Facebook is the latest tech giant to be scrutinised for its monitoring of private conversations. 科技巨頭臉書因疑似監控私人對話而遭檢視。
It's been revealed that the company paid hundreds of outside contractors to transcribe clips of audio from users of its services, as part of efforts to improve its artificial intelligence.
The work has rattled the contract employees, who are not told where the audio was recorded or how it was obtained. Facebook confirmed that it had been transcribing users’ audio and said it will no longer do so. Apple, Amazon, Google have been scrutinised for similar work
這樣的工作內容讓負責執行任務的員工感到緊張。這些員工不知道這些語音檔是從何得來。臉書承認有在記錄使用者的語音資料,並表示不會再這樣做。目前Apple, Amazon, Google也因類似的原因而遭檢視。
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